Bucket List

Amateur radio offers an unlimited number of paths to explore, learn, and master.  For most of us it could very well take several lifetimes to fully explore it all.  Just listing out some of the variables is enough to make one's head spin.  There are antennas (theory and construction), modes, bands, DX contacts, awards, electronics, physics, radio wave propagation, atmospheric science, emergency communication, radio related law, safety, contests, field day, test equipment, transmitters, receivers, transceivers, direction finding, computers, solar cycles, ....  and on and on. 
However, as the saying goes, "life is short and then you SK", which is a humorous way of reminding ourselves that our time is finite, and we need to make the most of every day.

Things to do before

In the spirit of making the most of my remaining days, I have compiled a personal "bucket list" of the things I would like to do in amateur radio.  In no particular order and subject to change:
  • Help more people earn their amateur radio license (on-going)
  • Teach more radio merit badge courses (on-going)
  • Complete a moon bounce contact
  • Complete a contact via satellite
  • Earn the ARRL DXCC 5-band award
  • Earn the ARRL DXCC Challenge award (I have a long way yet to go)
  • Earn the QRZ.com United States Counties Award (100%) (I have a long way yet to go)
  • Earn the CQ WPX Honor Role award
  • Join a DX Expedition to a rare location
  • Build and use home-brew antennas
  • Add an amp to the shack
  • Activate as many mountain tops, islands, and other unique locales as possible
  • Make friends and leave the world a better place

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