Ham Links
- Radio Wavz - Maker of well-built amateur radio antennas.
Clubs / Hams
County Hunting
Educational Resources - Emergency Communications
- FEMA ICS-100 Introduction to the Incident Command System
- FEMA IS-700 National Incident Management System
Educational Resources - Technical
- CodeAcademy - Programming courses
- Coursera - Programming courses - some free introductory courses available
- edX - Open source on-line learning (free)
- Udemy - On-line learning platform with plenty of free introductory courses
- AGupieWare - Introductory programming education program
- GitHub - On-line access to 500 free programming books covering 80 programming languages
- MIT Open Courseware - Free electrical engineering and computer science courses
- Code Avengers - Interactive programming courses (each takes 12 hours to complete)
- Khan Academy - Free on-line courses
Electronic Kits, Parts, and Test Equipment
- Adafruit Industries - Source of interesting electronic kits
- Amazon Supply - A good source for unusual hardware
- Antique Electronic Supply
- Balun Designs - High quality antenna baluns and transforms. Excellent craftsmanship.
- Bolt Depot - Excellent printable "fastener tool" charts for identifying unknown fasteners.
- Borden Radio Company
- Breadboard Radio - Several neat looking radio kits
- Byonics - Excellent TinyTrak TNC kits and more
- Carl’s Electronics
- Chassis Kits & antennas
- Circuit Specialists, Inc. - Digital storage oscilloscopes, test equipment, kits and electronic parts
- Crystal Radio Supply
- Dan’s Small Parts and Kits
- Digikey - An excellent source for parts
- Down East Microwave
- The DZ Company
- Elecraft
- Electronics USA
- Electronix Express - kits, parts, and test equipment
- FAR Circuits
- Four State QRP Group - several nice amateur radio related kits
- Fox Delta
- Fry's Electronics - Amazing retail stores with kits, parts, tools, test equipment, ...
- Hendricks QRP Kits
- HF Projects
- HobbyPCB
- Idiom Press
- K1EL Ham Radio Kits
- Kits and Parts Dot Com
- Milestone Technologies
- Mini-Kits
- Mouser Electronics - An excellent source for parts
- N0XAS HamGadgets
- North Country Radio
- PAiA - Very cool electronic music kits
- Picaxe
- QRPKits - Affordable QRP Antennas and Kits at exceptional value
- Ramsey Electronics
- Santa Cruz Electronics - You will love this store the minute you walk in - electronic components, electronic kits, Raspberry PI, tools, wire, cable, 3D printing, CNC machine / parts, AWESOME!
- Small Wonder Labs
- Spectrum Communications
- Spi-Ro Manufacturing - great source of well-made antenna components
- Surplus Material Components - Many interesting electronics parts for projects
- TAPR Kits
- Ten-Tec
- YouKits
- Vectronics
- Xtal Set
Ham Forums
Internet Enabled Amateur Radio
Motorcycle Electronics
Remote Control Amateur Radio
Research Resources
Scanner Radio
Shortwave Listening
- CHIRP - free, open-source tool for programming your amateur radio.
Web Development
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