Today, I am reminded of the fun of receiving a LoTW confirmation for a DX contact made long ago. This morning, I received a confirmation from 2013 for a SSB contact with a station in Ireland.
2013-10-27 18:05:00 | 10M | SSB | 28.62100 | IRELAND |
Ordinarily, a confirmation that is not received within a relatively short period of a few months is one that will likely never be received.
Flag of Ireland |
I really appreciate hams who take the time to upload their logs to the LoTW since leads to confirming contacts which helps everyone. For many of us, the LoTW is our primary means for tracking awards. I use the LoTW confirmations to earn both ARRL awards like DXCC and WAS as well as the QRZ awards like the United States Counties Award.
I have a nice QSL card collection that I enjoy browsing and sharing with others. I haven't used any of the cards I have received for earning awards. I much prefer the simplicity and ease of earning awards through LoTW confirmations.
A single confirmation on LoTW could help someone complete an award they have been working toward for many years and make their day brighter. If you are a ham who is not yet using the ARRL logbook of the world, please consider joining in the fun and uploading your logs. No doubt you will give many hams a happy surprise confirmation on the LoTW.
If you are already using the LoTW and have logs that you haven't uploaded yet, please consider taking the time to do so. There are hams who would greatly appreciate your confirmation on LoTW.
Blessings to all in the coming New Year. See you on the radio.
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