According to the ARRL, over the last 40 years, the number of Amateur Radio operators in the US
has grown at a remarkable rate:
- December 1971: 285,000
- December 1981: 433,000
- December 1991: 494,000
- December 2001: 683,000
- September 2011: 700,221
The growth and interest trend in Amateur Radio is a clear indication that the future is bright for the hobby. This growth also has implications from a spectrum use perspective. We do hope the FCC and federal legislators will take note of this.
- Do not pass laws that will reduce or sell off the spectrum that is for amateur radio use.
- Do increase spectrum available for amateur radio use.
- Protect amateur radio spectrum from interference through FCC enforcement.
- Acknowledge the value of amateur radio in science education and emergency communications.
- Support laws that protect amateur radio operator's ability to erect and use outdoor antennas.