The Ukrainian Section of the European PSK Club has the honour to invite radio amateurs from all over the world to participate in the 2st EPC Ukraine DX Contest (EPC-UKR-DX).
Rule overview
- The contest will be held from 20:00 UTC on Saturday, December 3, 2011 until 19:59 UTC on Sunday, December 4, 2011.
- This is strictly BPSK63 contest, no other modes are allowed.
- The output power shall not exceed 100 watts in all categories.
- Category SOAB-24, SOAB-12, SOLF, SOHF, MOST.
- Contest call for all participants is «CQ EPCUR TEST».
- Ukrainian stations should send RSQ plus conventional code of the Ukrainian Administrative Region. Example - 599 UR25.
- Other stations should send signal report plus QSO number, starting 001. Example – 599 001.
- Stations in the same DXCC Country are worth 1 point.
- Stations on the same continent but different DXCC Countries are worth 2 point.
- Stations on different continents are worth 5 points.
- Contacts with Ukrainian stations are worth 10 points.