A) Passing messages exactly as written, spoken or as received
NJ2X Notes:
Message traffic can be form or information. Formal traffic messages consist of four parts: preamble, address, text, signature. The ARRL provides a radiogram form as an aid for capturing a message.
Parts of a formatted message:
1. Preamble:
- Message Number
- Precedence
- Handling Instructions
- Station of Origin
- Check
- Place of Origin
- Time Filed
- Date Filed
- Full name (If Ham operator - call sign)
- Street Address - House number and street
- City, State/Province, and Zip/Postal Code
- Telephone number with area code
5. Body of the message
Should not exceed twenty-five (25) words by convention.6. Second Break
7. Signature - Of the party originating the message. Should contain address and phone number of the sender if reply requested.